Process Mining In Action

Process mining is a new data analysis technique that focuses on processes. By automatically discovering process maps that show how these processes are really running, and where the bottlenecks are, process mining is your fast track to meaningful process control instead of just relying on gut feeling.

This workshop is divided into three sections. In the first section, you will learn the necessary foundations of p rocess mining in 1 hour. In the second section, you will start working on a real-life project and make your hands dirty using tools like ProM and Celonis in 1.5 hours. The last section will be dedicated to advanced topics in 0.5 hours.

-After taking this workshop you should: -have a good understanding of process mining. -be able to characterize the questions that can be answered by process mining. -be able to conduct process mining projects in a structured manner.

Hadi Sotodeh